About Me

Hello! Welcome to The Diary of a Depressed Mom! I’m Sara and I am a wife to my college sweetheart and a mother to 5 beautiful wonderful children who absolutely drive me nuts on a daily basis!
I love sunshine and the beach, I do not like the winter and I am in love with all flowers. My alone times are spent sleeping, browsing Home Goods or Target, and collecting as many pretty magazines or books I can find at the library and relaxing on a comfy chair and reading or just looking at them all (until I usually fall asleep).
I love people and find it fascinating how we are all so much inherently the same because we are children of God and at the same time we are all unique and purposefully different.
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I love it! I believe in God and know he is aware of ALL of us and loves all of us, his children.
The purpose of this website is to provide myself and others with real-life Journal entries from my life as I have lived with depression and anxiety for many many years.
Here you will find stories of how I have suffered and stories of how I have coped, and overcome.
I have wanted to be a wife and a mother since I was a little girl and now I am living that dream. Though I am living that dream doesn’t mean that it is at all cupcakes and rainbows. In fact, the cupcakes made me fat and the rainbows didn’t come until after the huge rainstorm.
As the years have passed I have been able to appreciate the blessings that have come from my struggles with depression and anxiety. I have been blessed to have been helped by so many along the way and have been able to help others myself as well. Being able to relate to real people who are transparent in their struggle has made all the difference for me. This doesn’t make living with the illness easy but it does make it worth the daily struggle.
All of us know life is beautiful, but dealing with mental illness can make it sometimes hard to feel the joy that exists right in front of our eyes.
My hope is that this site can be a place of honesty, a space for learning, and a place of support for anyone living with or helping someone else live with Depression and anxiety.
Please follow along as we journey through this crazy, beautiful, scary, hard, amazing life together!
COUSIN!!!! this is AMAZING. SO EXCITED to read along and see what you have created- I had my first legit Panic / anxiety attack a couple weeks ago and it was the scariest thing I’ve experienced personally aside from labor and delivery! Anyway, I have been also going through depression spouts and I’ve had anxiety for a long time myself! I’ve seen a counselor here and there, but never have been medicated or gotten serious help. I’ve usually been able to cope with exercise and getting outside and sunlight! Thank you for putting this out there, because I know so many women and men, but especially mothers are suffering through this all too much and not getting enough help or resource. Love and miss you!
Julianna!! I miss you too! I need you here to make me laugh, you are so good at bringing humor into normal everyday life. I have always loved that about you. I am sorry you have been struggling with feeling down, and anxiety. You are not alone. Please text or message me anytime you want to vent or need a listening ear. Love you Jules
I love you, Sara! Thank you for doing this! You have helped and you will help so many people by doing this. I’ll pray for you to continue to have the courage to fight and share your fight! Love you so much and wish you were here!
Lizzie thank you for all of your love and support over the years as we have dealt with this together. I can honestly say you have been a saving grace for me. Love you.
Wendy S Speck
I am right there with ya Sara! I have struggled with depression, seen it in my siblings and cousins, children. I somehow knew you would be a person who understood, even though I don’t think I ever heard you talk about it. The good news is, somehow depression doesn’t seem to keep a person from shining, as you have always been a beacon of light and love when our paths have crossed. Love ya!
Wendy, I have always looked up to you since I met you 12 years ago. Can you believe it’s been that long? You have a very distinct inner peace about you that I admire so much. I had no idea you struggled with depression either. I guess this is why it needs to be talked about openly so we can all help each other. Thanks for getting on here!