The Diary of a Depressed Mom

Living life to its fullest while thriving through depression

October 9, 2019



5 Ways to instantly boost your mood while coping with depression

High Five 5 ways to instantly boost your mood

I was asked to speak about mental health and dealing with Depression to a group of amazing teenagers awhile back. I tried relentlessly to gather my thoughts about the matter. This wasn’t the first time I have spoke to teens about this subject but something just wasn’t coming together with the way I had hoped.

I was feeling very down at the time and I struggled to accept the fact that I was supposed to teach and talk about something that I felt I personally had no grasp on controlling at the moment.

Later that day I left the kids with my husband at home and I found myself at our local library. I had my notebook, my scriptures, and a pen.

I said a quick prayer asking Heavenly Father what I should teach these youth, and how I could help them.

Within what seemed to be 2 seconds later a picture of an open hand flooded my head.

Teach them the HIGH FIVE METHOD….

“ok,” I thought, “what does that mean?” Immediately I was shown what each finger represented (well every finger except for the ring finger, That didn’t come until later).

So here it is the High Five Method, 5 ways to instantly boost your mood while having a rough day or while coping with depression. (and yes I realize having a bad day and suffering with depression are 2 completely different things)

Let’s start with the



This one seems obvious and easy, right? Well, it might be when you are at the top of your game or feeling great.

Right now with the way you are feeling it might be hard to think about anything else except for the state you are in.

So to disrupt your mind get up and serve someone else. It can be the smallest of gestures or the biggest event.

It doesn’t matter just do it.

For a more in-depth article on the High Five Thumb click here

Do 1 thing that inspires you!


Put it up like you are making a number 1.


It isn’t always easy to remember the things that used to make you happy or that you used to enjoy doing regularly when you are depressed, but think hard….

What do (did) you like?







Playing a specific sport?





Listening to your favorite music?


You get the point right? Do something that you LOVE to do.

Go ahead do it right now! GO!

Don’t think about the logistics just make yourself get up and make it happen.

Now make your index finger into a pointing finger, and point towards the door to the outdoors.

The index finger also represents


get into nature, you will be amazed at what a dose of fresh air can do to the mind and the soul. Now if you need to set your timer for 5 minutes and stay outside for that long breathing deeply and looking all around you at the beauty that has been created for you.

For a more in-depth article on the High Five Index Finger Click Here


Now, don’t put this finger up because we all know what that represents but


When I say put it down I really mean put your phone down. Get rid of it for a few minutes, or a few hours, or heck a few days or even years!

When you put your phone down for a little bit almost automatically your mind begins to clear a little, and you can think more rationally and free.

If you need to give it to your mom, or dad, lock it in a drawer or throw it under your bed for a while. Just put it down and focus on the reality around you.

Who are you with?

Where are you at?

What do you see?

What do you hear?

Also if you can’t seem to put it down get rid of Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or whatever else you seem to always be doing on your phone.

Now this can be extremely difficult and it might hurt a little in the moment to get rid of, but I promise it will be ok and you will feel so much happier after those things do not consume your constant thoughts.


NOW THIS finger was the one that didn’t come to mind right away…. but with some extra thought and prayer effort. I decided it would represent

“RING IT IN FOR A HUG” or spelled the correct way “bring it in for a hug

Give someone you love a huge hug. Not a 2 second awkward no effort hug but a LOOOOONG 20 second all out hug.

Physical touch can do wonders to enhance our mental state.

Not only will it help you but the receiver of the hug is very rewarded as well. Never hesitate to ask for a hug, sometimes we adults are dumb and we don’t think to hug you as much as we should.

5. The Pinkey Finger


Gratitude is often the best medication and immediately helps us take the focus off of what is so hard and sad in our lives and helps us remember the things we are blessed with.

Write it down

it is proven that people who right daily things they are thankful for are in general happier than those that don’t

So there you have it 5 things to instantly boost your mood! Stay tuned for a more in-depth explanation of each finger.

The Palm This represents “HOLD ON” This isn’t technically one of the ways to boost your mood but this is just a good way to remember so extremely important advice.

When the days are so dark and none of the other fingers are working, just hold on, hold on until tomorrow, just wait it out. If you were stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean would you instantly give up and drown yourself? Of course not you would do everything you could to get help and then you would just have to wait, wait for help wait for the big boat to pick you up, wait for the helicopter to notice you as they are searching and searching. Don’t give up I promise tomorrow help will come and you will be rescued. Please JUST HOLD ON!



2 thoughts on “HIGH FIVE

    Author’s gravatar

    This is amazing!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your insight and inspiration, Sara. I want to share this with my kids to give them some strategies for when they are having a hard day. And I’m going to remember it myself!!

      Author’s gravatar

      THank you Amanda,
      Yes please share this with them. I will be posting the rest of the High Five Fingers in more detail soon. Stay Tuned;)

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