The Diary of a Depressed Mom

Living life to its fullest while thriving through depression

October 13, 2019


Do “THUMBTHING” nice for “THUMBODY” else.

If you read my post about the High Five method of boosting your mood while coping with depression you learned that the thumb is the first of the five things we talk about to help us instantly boost our mood.

If you haven’t read the post about the High Five method then go here to check it out before you read the rest of this post.


THIS is an easy topic to write about, isn’t it just mostly stating the obvious?

Service seems to relentlessly always be one of the first things our Sunday school teachers remind us to do if we want blessings or if we want to be happy.

Doing nice things for other people doesn’t just come naturally to the majority of us?

Well honestly it usually does for me except when I am feeling so low I can’t seem to think of anyone else but myself and the sadness I am feeling. That being said if you are looking into the HIGH FIVE method right now you might not be feeling the greatest yourself either.


Doing something nice for someone else doesn’t need to be something extraordinary. It doesn’t have to take hours of planning, or tons of people to make it happen.

Start right now as you are reading this, and think of the most minuscule bit of service you can gather up in your mind. Maybe it is sending a quick text to your MOM telling her you love her, writing a secret note to your brother and sneaking it under his pillow letting him know how awesome he is, and how even though you fight the majority of the time, you are so glad he is your brother. Maybe you could wipe off the kitchen counter in your house, or straighten the pillows on the couch. Are you out and about right now? do you see anyone else around you? Say hello to a random person walking by, Put your hand up and give a fist bump to a little kid. Smile at someone you make eye contact with. It doesn’t need to be big, don’t make it overwhelming just try it and I promise you it will bring a flicker of joy you have been waiting to feel.

It’s been proven time and time again

When we serve others we are also benefiting from our own service. If you have to do it for yourself for awhile that is ok. After awhile you will realize that you are no longer thinking about yourself but that you are thinking only of the people you are reaching out to.

According to an article On the Community West Foundation Blog there are many examples of how helping others or reaching out to others with service can help boost your own happiness.

“People who put the needs of others before their own, experience a “warm glow.” American Psychological Association

You might find it difficult

But I promise start small and it will be worth it. Lower your expectations for yourself and be proud of yourself for even trying. When you feel a little better after a while maybe doing a more substantial act of service would be doable.

So go ahead and get up!


What are some ways you have served someone?

How did it make them feel? How did it make you feel?

Depression, Help For Moms, Help For Teens & Kids, High Five, Uncategorized 2 Replies to “HIGH FIVE: THUMB”


2 thoughts on “HIGH FIVE: THUMB

    Author’s gravatar

    My elderly aunt is physically disabled and she just moved across the country to my town. Yesterday my 3 year old daughter and I stopped by her apartment on my way home from the gym to check in and see how her unpacking was going. She had 3 little pumpkins and a sheet of stickers sitting on her TV stand. Of course my 3 yo found them, and she and my aunt worked together to decorate the pumpkins when the stickers . It brought joy to both my aunt and my daughter. It warmed my heart to see them serving each other in their own way and abilities. And all I did was show up. It was the best afternoon ever.

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      I love that Amanda, It shows a lot about who you are that you make those opportunities available to your kids. They are so blessed to have you.

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